

Our focus on improving the quality of life through innovative and efficient plastic solutions, Aquaplastica has established itself as a leader in the sector and a symbol of luxury and sustainability.

Cirilo Montaño Road, No. 18 El Higuero, Mata San Juan, Villa Mella, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
(809) 530-6662

© 2023 Aquaplastica | All rights reserved.

Nuestro enfoque en mejorar la calidad de vida a través de soluciones plásticas innovadoras y eficientes, Aquaplastica se consolida como líder en el sector y símbolo de lujo y sustentabilidad.

Carretera Cirilo Montaño, No. 18 El Higuero, Mata San Juan,Villa Mella, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
(809) 530-6662

© 2023 Aquaplastica | Todos los derechos reservados

Learn more about Aquaplastica


Containers for storing, transporting water, and other liquids

We are the leading manufacturer of plastic containers for liquid storage and management in the Dominican Republic. Our success is attributed to our continuous focus on innovation to meet our customers’ demands efficiently, economically, and health-consciously.

We remain pioneers in our market with products that cater to domestic, industrial, and agro-industrial needs as we continue to expand our presence throughout the Caribbean.

Raw material
      • We create the perfect blend of virgin and recycled resins in various presentations and particle sizes, ensuring the proper mixture in different formulations, guaranteeing optimal results in the various characteristics of our products.

The balance in our formulas is achieved through the use of recycled resins, which ensures a low environmental impact without compromising quality.

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE/PEAD)
      • Medium-Density Polyethylene (MDPE) and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) are the ideal components for manufacturing high-volume containers and pipes, as material rigidity is an essential and determining factor in product quality. These resins offer increased stiffness without compromising protection against breakage and impacts. They also exhibit excellent optical properties for a more appealing appearance. Their processability is also ideal, as they adapt well to more agile production lines, blending formulations, and multilayer manufacturing structures.

—”Polietileno de Media Densidad” Dow, pg-polyethylene-mdpe.html

We lead the market with a wide range of products: Water tanks, stackable containers, tanks, waste bins, carry and bring, septic tanks, road separators, silo tanks, and agricultural pipes.

Leadership, Guarantee, and Innovation